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It’s time to RE:THINK your employee experience

Is your employee experience fit for the future?

What has worked in the past will not work in the future. Multi-generational teams, hybrid working, economic uncertainty and a cost-of-living crisis is putting pressure on businesses and society. So, it’s time for a RE:THINK.

The employee experience (EX) at your organisation needs to be designed to deliver your strategy, help bring to life your purpose and values, and, in equal measure, attract and retain the best employees.

If your EX needs a RE:THINK, there are three key areas you should focus on:

1. Understand your purpose  

It may sound obvious, but before you redesign your employee experience you need to understand what delivering your purpose, values and strategy means to your people. What do you need them to do differently? What behaviours do you need your people to embrace and live every day?

This is the foundation on what you can build your employee experience from.

2. Listen to your people and get them working together

When you know what your strategy, purpose and values mean for the business and your people, co-create what it will take to bring this to life for them. Look at every stage of your employee journey and work out the moments and opportunities you can reinforce who you are as a company, how you want to show up for customers. and how your people act on a day-to-day basis. Bring the influencers, and owners of key stages of the employee experience together to define what needs to be done to bring your experience to life. If you want a consistent experience everything from onboarding, L&D, recognition and exit needs to reflect who you want to be.  

3. Think digital, but keep it human

In today’s work landscape, many employees are being onboarded and working day-to-day in a digital environment. However, businesses must keep a human-centric approach to Employee Experience if they want their people to feel valued and build a sense of belonging. From personalising the onboarding experience, to fostering meaningful connections, and seeing and recognising the achievements of all, companies can leverage technology to maintain an EX that is inclusive, and supportive, no matter where the employee is located.

If your EX needs a RE:THINK and you are struggling with where to start, get in touch with us at hello@unitedcultureco.com.